The Discreet Lesbian (Episode 2 in the Mandy Series)

discreet lesbian mandy 2

Mandy walks a tight rope between heaven and hell as she struggles to live with her husband Scott just long enough for their son’s adoption to go through. Then she can get a divorce and she and Kathleen, the real love of her life, can take the boy and move to a big city where they can be free of Scott, their Southern Baptist families, and the self-righteous community where they live.

Living the constant lie finally gets to Mandy. Eruptive pressure from Scott unexpectedly forces Mandy to confess her lesbianism. A confession, which causes an avalanche of life shattering events, ones that she is not sure can ever be overcome.



Grab your copy now.. It’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited!!


Be sure to read all of The Discreet Lesbian Mandy Series….

Episode 1 in the Mandy Series: Lesbian Romance (The Discreet Lesbian)
Episode 2 in the Mandy Series: Lesbian Romance (The Discreet Lesbian)
Mandy & Kathleen’s Romantic Getaway: Mandy Series ~ Lesbian Romance
Episode 3 in the Mandy Series: Lesbian Romance (The Discreet Lesbian)
Episode 4 in the Mandy Series: Lesbian Romance (The Discreet Lesbian)
Mandy Series BOOK 1 ~ Episodes 1- 4 ~ Lesbian Romance
Episode 5 in the Mandy Series: Lesbian Romance (The Discreet Lesbian)

Episode 6 is in the works..

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